Nicky Gavron, LHG Patron

LHG is very sad to record that Nicky Gavron, a long term member of LHG and one of our Patrons, died on Friday 30th August.


Nicky Gavron AM
Nicky Gavron AM

Nicky was active in LHG to the last, attending most of our Executive Committee meetings as a patron, having been a member of the Committee for some time previously. She offered her help and advice on numerous aspects of out work. She had deep knowledge of the planning system, and indeed had recently offered to take part in a project looking at spatial planning strategies, looking at how to build on the experience of the London strategy to assist other areas of the country. Her knowledge of the pros and cons of Modern Methods of Construction was second to none, following her investigation of this development as Chair of the London Assembly Planning Committee. She was also recognised for her expertise on net zero and climate change plans, not just in housing but across many policy areas.

Nicky was a councillor, a London Assembly member, and deputy mayor for London twice, but beyond her formal roles, she was someone who gave freely of her time and expertise to all sorts of organisations and projects. Nicky was always positive and encouraging, and LHG will miss her and her input a great deal.