Labour Conference Events 2023

We have two exciting fringe events planned for Labour Conference 2023


1) Campaigning on Housing as a Winning Issue

Monday October 9th 7.30-9.00pm

Light refreshments from 7pm

Exchange Restaurant, Hilton Hotel

No-one is in any doubt that housing will be a critical issue in the next General Election. Mortgage rates are going through the roof, homelessness spiralling out of control (with a 50% rise in homelessness due to no-fault evictions), and cost of living increases forcing families into poverty. Shelter says a staggering 17.5m people are currently trapped by the housing emergency in this country.

So Labour’s plans for tackling the crisis are critical. But as important as setting the policies is making sure the public knows about them, not just those who always vote, but those who are so disillusioned that they don’t normally vote.

LHG’s motion to Annual Conference, supported by CLPs around the country, focuses on the need to campaign strongly and loudly. Speaking at our fringe
meeting will be local and national politicians, and a researcher with insight into
public opinion on housing and politics.

Chair: Cllr John Cotton, Leader of Birmingham City Council & LHG Chair

  • Mike Amesbury MP- Shadow Minister for Building Safety & Homelessness
  • Cllr Elsie Blundell, PPC Heywood and Middleton
  • Ben Marshall, Director (Housing), Ipsos UK
  • Cllr Rachel Blake, PPC for Cities of Westminster and London
  • Mark Powell, Managing Director, EDAROTH

Sponsored by EDAROTH



2) Making Ends Meet through Retrofitting our Homes

Tuesday 10th October

Light refreshments from 6.15pm
Avenue HQ, 17 Mann Island

The net zero challenge is particularly crucial for housing across all sectors.

We need developers, builders, landlords, home owners, and tenants to be on board, as well as funders. And we desperately need to make our homes more energy efficient so that money goes further, particularly for those at the lower income levels and for those who need more warmth to support disabilities and ill health.

Of course, without a Government that is in tune with the all ideas that will make a
difference, we will struggle to make an impact. How should Labour ensure that energy
efficiency measures help to make our housing sustainable and costs lower? And what
impact will net zero really have on the cost of living of those in greatest need?


Chair: Cllr John Cotton, Leader of Birmingham City Council & LHG Chair

  • Ed Miliband MP, Shadow SoS for Climate Change and Net Zero (invited)
  • Emma Hoddinott, Assistant General Secretary, The Co-operative Party
  • Rhys Moore, National Housing Federation
  • Brian Robson, Northern Housing Consortium
  • Ben Powell, Hough Bellis Communications
  • Adam Scorer, National Energy Action