The Grenfell Atrocity – Warnings ignored and vital lessons to learn: 17 March, 6.30pm
Join us online in conversation with Graham French on 17 March 2025 (6.30pm).
Graham French is a solicitor & consultant (now mainly retired) at Russell-Cooke LLP, a top 100 UK law firm, & the only top 100 solicitors’ firm which undertakes legal aid work. Graham’s legal career began as a caseworker at Balham Law Centre in 1978. He trained at a legal aid practice in Acton. London W3, & qualified as a solicitor in 1984. From 1985 to 2015 he practised at Alan Edwards & Co in Notting Hill Gate, no more than a mile from Grenfell Tower. In 2015 Alan Edwards merged with Russell-Cooke, whose main offices are in Putney & Central London. From 1998 to 2019 Graham sat as a Deputy District Judge (part time) in the County Court, during which time he heard thousands of housing cases, mainly possession, disrepair & illegal eviction. Since June 2017 he has led the Russell-Cooke team advising a group of Bereaved, Survivors & Residents from Grenfell Tower, his main involvement being housing advice/advocacy & the Public Inquiry.