General Election

Labour Housing Group (LHG) is a Socialist Society affiliated to the Labour Party, dedicated to developing housing policy that addresses the shortage of decent affordable housing across the UK.

As we look towards the next General Election, LHG will be involving members, working with partners inside and outside the Party to campaign for ambitious housing policy to address the crisis that wracks the UK.

National Policy Forum contributions

The National Policy Forum consultation 2023, building up the manifesto for the next General Election, has just been circulated. LP members can contribute to the consultation only through their CLP or branch Labour parties, or affiliated organisations and third party organisations like Labour Housing Group.

The A Future Where Families Come First Policy Commission has issued a short consultation paper summarising what has been agreed so far, including housing proposals. You can read this document here

The Commission has set out 2 questions (set out below) to use as a prompt and an aid to structuring responses, but you do not have to stick to those questions in your submission. 

  1. How can Labour make home ownership a reality for more families, give private renters the security they need and tackle the scourge of homelessness? 
  2. How can the next Labour government build more social and council housing and ensure greater investment in genuinely affordable homes?

Labour Housing Group is inviting you to send your views about housing policies to us  by the 17th of March to help inform the manifesto process. If you are a member please get in touch with us at and we will provide you with the information necessary to participate. 

Doorstep guide to Labour’s housing policies

Find a quick reference to the party’s policies and info on the housing crisis here:


Endorsements for Parliamentary selections: passionate about housing and wanting to stand in an election?

LHG members who are thinking about standing for office – for example to be an MP – may want to ask a group they belong to to endorse
as a candidate.

LHG will happily say that we endorse LHG members who we believe will stand up for housing and will pursue LHG’s objectives, and we have developed a policy about who we would support and why.

You can read the policy here, but the key points to note are:

  • You must be a current LHG member, and fully paid-up for at least 6 months
  • We ask you to write to us with a statement about why your experience and history of housing activism makes you suitable to be endorsed by LHG (up to 250 words), and another saying why housing is an important issue in the constituency that you hope to represent (up to 250 words)
  • We’ll follow the same process for LHG members seeking selection as Scottish Government or Welsh Assembly candidates, for Mayoral positions, or for the CLP or Youth part of the NEC
  • We may support more than one person if two or more LHG members who want to stand for the same position fit the criteria

Please write to the Secretary at if you want to ask for our support.